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Representation for File type in MoveUGC.

id class-attribute instance-attribute

id: str = Field(description='Unique identifier for the file', examples=['file-2c6059be-0f91-4cb8-aa1a-512cd10a66b5'], title='File ID')

created class-attribute instance-attribute

created: datetime = Field(description='Date and time when the file was created. This will be in UTC.', examples=['2021-08-04T15:00:00.000Z'], title='File creation date')

type class-attribute instance-attribute

type: str = Field(description='Type of the file', examples=['mp4', 'avi', 'mov'], title='File type')

presigned_url class-attribute instance-attribute

presigned_url: HttpUrl = Field(description='Presigned URL for the file', examples=[''], title='File presigned URL', alias='presignedUrl')

client class-attribute instance-attribute

client: Optional[Client] = Field(description='Client associated with the file', examples=[{'id': 'client-2c6059be-0f91-4cb8-aa1a-512cd10a66b5'}], title='File client', default=None)

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata: Json[Any] = Field(description='Metadata associated with the file', examples=[{'key': 'value'}], title='File metadata')


Represents a share code associated a File in UGC API.

code class-attribute instance-attribute

code: str = Field(description='Share code value for the associated file.', example=['123456'], title='Share code')

created class-attribute instance-attribute

created: datetime = Field(description='Date and time when the share code was created. This will be in UTC.', examples=['2021-08-04T15:00:00.000Z'], title='Share code creation date')

expires class-attribute instance-attribute

expires: datetime = Field(description='Date and time when the share code expires. This will be in UTC.', examples=['2021-08-04T15:00:00.000Z'], title='Share code expiry date')

file_id class-attribute instance-attribute

file_id: str = Field(description='The file id to which the share code is associated.', examples=['file-2c6059be-0f91-4cb8-aa1a-512cd10a66b5'], title='File ID', validation_alias=AliasPath('file', 'id'))

url class-attribute instance-attribute

url: HttpUrl = Field(description='Presigned URL for the file', examples=['<code>'], title='Share code redeem url.')