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Representation for Webhook endpoint type in MoveUGC.

description class-attribute instance-attribute

description: str = Field(description='Description of the webhook endpoint.', examples=['My webhook endpoint'], title='Description')

uid class-attribute instance-attribute

uid: str = Field(description='Unique identifier for the webhook endpoint.', examples=['webhook-endpoint-0aa9ba14-44f9-4d47-89b4-c77cdea9e801'], title='Webhook endpoint ID')

url class-attribute instance-attribute

url: HttpUrl = Field(description='URL of the webhook endpoint.', examples=[''], title='URL')

secret class-attribute instance-attribute

secret: Optional[SecretStr] = Field(description='Secret used to verify the webhook endpoint.', title='Secret', default=None)

url class-attribute instance-attribute

url: HttpUrl = Field(description='URL of the webhook endpoint.', examples=[''], title='URL')