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Choices for take source keys.

mp4 class-attribute instance-attribute

mp4 = 'MP4'

avi class-attribute instance-attribute

avi = 'AVI'

mov class-attribute instance-attribute

mov = 'MOV'

move class-attribute instance-attribute

move = 'MOVE'


Camera settings input for creating a take.

Find the list of available camera settings here:

lens class-attribute instance-attribute

lens: str = Field(description='Lens used for the take', title='Lens', examples=['goprohero10-2-7k', 'blackmagic-ea-4k-24mm', 'sony-synced-fhd', 'panasonic-lumix-dc-bgh1-4k-12mm', 'optitrackprimecolor12mm-fhd'])


Representation for Additional File type in MoveUGC.

key property

key: str

Return the key of the additional file.


Name Type Description
str str

Key of the additional file.

file class-attribute instance-attribute

file: FileType = Field(description='File associated with the additional file', title='Additional file', examples=[{'id': 'file-2c6059be-0f91-4cb8-aa1a-512cd10a66b5'}])


Source input required for creating a take.

device_label class-attribute instance-attribute

device_label: str = Field(description='Label for the device', title='Device label', examples=['my-device'], serialization_alias='deviceLabel')

file_id class-attribute instance-attribute

file_id: str = Field(description='File ID of the file associated with the source', title='File ID', examples=['file-2c6059be-0f91-4cb8-aa1a-512cd10a66b5'], serialization_alias='fileId')

format class-attribute instance-attribute

format: TakeSourceKey = Field(description='Format of the source', title='Source format', examples=['MP4', 'MOVE'])

camera_settings class-attribute instance-attribute

camera_settings: Optional[CameraSettings] = Field(description='Camera settings used for the take', title='Camera settings', examples=[{'lens': 'goprohero10-2-7k'}], serialization_alias='cameraSettings', default=None)


Representation for Source type in MoveUGC.

device_label class-attribute instance-attribute

device_label: str = Field(description='Label for the device', examples=['my-device'], title='Device label', alias='deviceLabel')

file class-attribute instance-attribute

file: FileType = Field(description='File associated with the source', examples=[{'id': 'file-1fd863d5-875b-4e48-89bb-c6234e804738'}], title='Source file')

format class-attribute instance-attribute

format: str = Field(description='Format of the source', examples=['MP4'], title='Source format')

camera_settings class-attribute instance-attribute

camera_settings: Optional[CameraSettings] = Field(description='Camera settings used for the take', title='Camera settings', examples=[{'lens': 'goprohero10-2-7k'}], serialization_alias='cameraSettings', default=None)